Welcome to Learning This Life. Me and my 2 girls sitting together on a trampoline

Welcome To Learning This Life

At Learning This Life my heart is to help anyone raising children to equip you every week with tools as well as for success.

Do you ever feel that the parent you want to be doesn’t match up with the parent you currently are? Do you feel like you should have it all together as a parent but you just don’t? Parenting is hard. There, I said it. Parenting is hard. Social media can make it look so beautiful and easy (and provides oodles of judgment) but we do tend to hide the hard days, the tantrums, and the hair-pulling moments. After a long day of feeling like you’ve been herding cats, you find yourself late at night doom-scrolling and particularly Googling “parenting classes”. Or finding “coaching for parents” and you wonder what on earth you are doing. You are not alone. And you can also be the parent your child deserves! We at Learning This Life have been there, and we believe in you!

Learning This Life’s ways of providing help for parents

As a parent who’s definitely been there, and as someone who has worked with children for over 30 years, I know how challenging it can be. Especially the challenge of finding someone who will listen, help you think outside the box, and provide helpful solutions! And I would love to help!

Vlogs & Blogs

The primary way I help is through weekly vlog and blog posts. These are a free way to get helpful tips & trick, as well as answers to common questions for anyone raising children or homeschooling. If you’ve got a question or looking for advice leave me a comment. You can leave a comment on my website or any of my vlogs or blogs.

Pocket Packs (aka the answer to “I’m bored”)

As an educator I have developed some easy-to-use tools to help your children stay engaged in learning. The first are my Pocket Packs – for the times you need to find something for your children to do. If you’ve been a parent for any length of time you have undoubtedly heard the phrase “I’m bored”. Pocket Packs are there to help, as well as give educational benefits. Pocket Packs are there to be used after school, on weekends, during school breaks. Or if you’re homeschooling, as an addition to the curriculum you’re doing.

For One on One Coaching

Schedule a Call

How To Homeschool Course

Speaking of homeschooling, as a teacher I’m a BIG supporter of homeschool, so much so that I am homeschooling my two girls. Having worked with families as a coach, for parenting as well as a homeschool coach, I’ve seen firsthand the challenges and struggles of homeschooling families. Many of the big challenges are there because of a lack of foundation. And the biggest mistake I see is making it THE priority of choosing curriculum as the first step of homeschooling. If you’re homeschooling or looking at homeschooling, I’ve created a course, coming from an educator’s as well as a homeschooling perspective. This course is to set you up with the right foundation to successfully homeschool. If you would like to find out more, check out my How To Homeschool Course. If you like to work with me direct or need more help would be glad to work with you one-on-one.

How To Homeschool Course

“How to Homeschool” is an online course for new, struggling as well as want-to-be homeschoolers. This course will show you where to start, as well as giving a framework for a successful homeschool life, and the confidence that what you are doing is work for your children.

How To Homeschool Course

As a token of my appreciation for visiting Learning This Life for a limited time I would like to offer you a free Mini Pocket Pack.

Winnie-the-Pooh Mini Pocket Pack

Winnie-the-Pooh is a Mini Pocket Pack, in that it includes a couple of activities based on the book Winnie-the-Pooh by A.A. Milne.

Winnie-The-Phoo Mini Pocket Pack

The latest Learning This Life posts with plenty of helpful tips and tools as well as helpful information for Homeschoolers. Every week find out the latest on parenting as well as on Homeschooling.

  • Skills of the Future: Preparing Kids to Thrive in a Changing World

    Teaching the 21st-Century Skills – or the 4Cs – is a topic that’s super important for our kids’ future. These aren’t just buzzwords; they’re the building blocks for success in today’s world.

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  • Get Your Child to READ for Understanding with PROVEN Tips

    It doesn’t have to take a lot of work or an excess amount of time and energy. Even 10 minutes a day with your child is going to help them with reading comprehension and reading for understanding. It will be so worth it!

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  • Bring back homeschool joy with these 3 simple keys!

    Homeschool struggles are a real thing and you can lose your joy. It happens and there is no need to feel shame. Take a deep breath, shake it off and try these three things to help bring back the joy of homeschooling. 

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