

Hi, my name is….well, I was going to say Michayla, but my girls keep reminding me that I am Mummy, so….. Hi, my name is Mummy, also known as Michayla (or Miss Michayla or Mrs Best).

I am a passport carrying, born and raised Australian currently living south of Atlanta, GA (USA). The love of my life, Carsten, who is German, walks this adventure of life with me. Kira and Soraya (fondly known as Diggle and Doe) are our beautiful twin daughters who are tri-national, smart and *slightly* sassy.

These “About Me” sections are always hard for me to write as I struggle with what people might like to know. Am I really that interesting? Do I have to be serious and professional? But here I go…

I used to play the tuba, still play the piano, and love show tunes, opera, and classic rock…..and The Wiggles. I am a self-confessed nerd, and a literature enthusiast. I cannot fall asleep at night unless I have read a few pages of a book. Research is my jam and I write silly songs for my girls to teach new concepts (or just because). Weird fact, I really like writing training manuals.  

I am a trained teacher (degrees in Primary Education and Special Education) and have worked with children in various different capacities for over 30 years. I even had my own school for a while. Homeschooling my girls takes up some time now but I never stop learning, never stop teaching, never stop sharing my ideas on education. I am passionate about education and I tend to have a lot to say about it. (It’s good and well researched, I promise you).

If stranded on a desert island with only 3 things, they would be: a fully stocked library, a baby grand piano and an unlimited supply of Chinese food….oh, and my family….can I have 4??

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