
Coaching for Parents

Do you ever feel that the parent you want to be doesn’t match up with the parent you currently are? Do you feel like you should have it all together as a parent but you just don’t? Parenting is hard. There, I said it. Parenting is hard. Social media can make it look so beautiful and easy (and provides oodles of judgment) but we do tend to hide the hard days, the tantrums, and the hair-pulling moments. After a long day of feeling like you’ve been herding cats, you find yourself late at night doom-scrolling and Googling “parenting classes” and “coaching for parents” and you wonder what on earth you are doing. You are not alone. And you can be the parent your child deserves! We’ve been there, and we believe in you!

As a parent who’s definitely been there, and as someone who has worked with children for over 30 years, I know how challenging it can be to find someone who will listen, help you think outside the box, and provide helpful solutions! And I would love to help!

I love to take my training and experience and look at each situation uniquely. 

No family is the same. No two parents parent the same. You can have twins and have to parent each one differently (I speak from experience) because no two children are the same. My heart is that there will always be a great connection with your child, that the rising challenges can be met head-on without the fight, and you find yourself positively parenting. Don’t we all want that?!

What are some of the challenges you are facing? Are you dealing with disrespectful children? Are you parenting a strong will child? Do you have children and toddlers who hit? Are you struggling with a manipulative child?

All of that can be turned around. You don’t have to do this on your own! Maybe all you need is a little bit of help, a little bit of parent coaching. 

Oh, and then there is the world of education; the often confusing world of schooling. It is my honor to support parents as they navigate what is best for their family, and provide support in:

  • alternate ways to educate and school options
  • making homeschooling work for your family
  • learning difficulties (identifying and helping), 504 plans and IEP support
  • navigating teacher conferences and school-related conversations

If you feel like you need some help, please get in touch with me and let’s go from there. I would love to help you. 

One On One Coaching
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