
My Father’s World: A curriculum review

“My Father’s World” is a Christian-based homeschool curriculum that offers programs for different grade levels, from preschool through high school. It is designed to provide a comprehensive and integrated approach to education, combining subjects like Bible study, history, geography, science, language arts, and math.

My Father’s World is well-regarded by many homeschooling families due to the Biblical worldview. Their philosophy, from their website is:

My Father’s World Christian homeschool curriculum combines the best of Charlotte Mason’s ideas, Hebraic classical education, and unit studies with a biblical worldview and global focus. We have worked hard to make homeschooling as easy as possible with our God-centric curriculum mirroring the Greco-Roman classical approach of grammar, logic, and rhetoric.

Much like a traditional Classical model for education, My Father’s World’s pre-K-12 education is split across three stages of learning, Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric, though they give it different names (Discover, Investigate, Declare). 

For Pre-K to 1st grade the packages are complete. From 2nd grade on, My Father’s World packages do not supply math or a complete Language Arts curriculum, but they do have recommendations which they sell. From 7th grade and up you need to add a science curriculum. 

For math in 2nd to 6th grade they recommend and sell Dimensions Math (Singapore Math). 7th to 12th grade they recommend and sell Saxon Math.

For Language Arts from 2nd grade on they have various suggestions for your child for each grade. Many Language Arts skills are incorporated into their curriculum, but you need to add grade-specific resources in order to make it a complete curriculum. 

mother with a child reads a book on the grass.


Integrated approach. It connects various subjects, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of topics.

Literature-based approach. The curriculum includes a strong emphasis on literature, using quality books to teach various subjects and to foster a love of reading.

Hands-on activities. The curriculum includes hands-on activities, experiments, and projects to engage students and promote active learning. These activities often reinforce concepts taught in the lessons.

Parent-friendly. “My Father’s World” provides detailed lesson plans, schedules, and online support to assist parents in implementing the curriculum effectively. This can be particularly helpful for parents who may need more guidance or structure.

Family focused approach. From their website, “Our approach allows you to teach your children together at the same time with age/grade appropriate projects to keep everyone engaged and challenged.” This is for 3rd grade and up. 

Unit Studies. My Father’s World organizes its curriculum into themed units or “Adventures,” which integrate multiple subjects around a central theme. This approach helps children make connections across different subjects and promotes a holistic understanding of the topics.

Bible-based content. If you want a faith based curriculum, this is a strong choice. The curriculum incorporates Bible study, memory verses, and character building throughout the program. It aims to integrate biblical principles and values into the various subject areas.

Family together reading books in the forest . Mom and dad reading books to their two daughters sitting on a tree in the autumn forest. The concept of family values and relationships.


Not very customizable or modular as some other curricula. Of course, you could choose different math and language arts curricula for 2nd grade and beyond. It would mean reviewing and finding one that fits you best.

Can be a little parent intensive at times. This is particularly for Kindergarten to 8th grade. My Father’s World does require a good deal of parental involvement, which can be an issue for some really busy homeschooling parents.

Family Focus is limited. You can have children within grades 3 to 8 working together and them 9 – 12. If you have children in both groupings then you are not able to work on the same lessons together. 

Cost can be prohibitive. For some families the cost of the packages might be too high, though you can reuse the curriculum for your other children. There are other less expensive options out there.


Full year packages for My Father’s World range from about $400 to about $900, with most grades costing somewhere between $500 to $600. 

In certain grades you will also have to pick up add-on packages for Math, Science and Language arts, which can cost an additional $100-300 per student per subject (depending on the resource and grade level). 

My Father’s World frequently runs a variety of discounts and special offers on its curriculum packages, so it is always worth checking for the company’s latest prices.

thai teen girl doing homework and studying at home


My Father’s World does not require you to buy an enormous amount of books like many other curricula. The back of the teacher’s manual has a book list that is organized by week and has suggestions for library books that complement the week’s lessons.

You can get samples of lessons from the My Father’s World website. This can be helpful to see if it is a curriculum you want to use. 

You can also download a complete catalog, or get a hard copy. 

This is a good, solid curriculum for families who want a faith based curriculum that is ultimately a complete year long package (when you include the additional curriculum needed).

If you like a multisensory approach this can be good for you as it incorporates a number of hands-on learning resources and integrates many different activities into its lessons, including listening exercises, arts and crafts, experiments, demonstrations and more.   

If you do not want a strong faith based curriculum, this is not for you. 

Check out My Father’s World here.

You can find other homeschool curriculum reviews on this site – like this one on Timberdoodle.

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1 Comment

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