
Find out what your kids are really interested in

I was asked the question about how we can discover our child’s interests. I am a big believer in interest based learning. It can be done in a number of ways – as the driving force behind the curriculum, or as an addition to the curriculum you have chosen. 

One thing I know to be true is that we really remember most what we are interested in (or have memorized). I couldn’t tell you a lot about science but I can talk a lot about literature, history and music. I also really enjoy quirky facts, and they seem to stick with me too.

When it comes to our children, it can be so beneficial for their education to learn what they want to learn. Why do we have to wait to learn until later grades about Ancient Egypt, the pyramids and mummies if they want to learn it now, at the age of 7? They will engage in what they are learning. They will remember. And you will be dazzled with random facts about this for quite some time!

finding interests together can be fun


The first is to observe and listen to what they are playing and saying. It can often show what they are interested in. What topics or subjects are they talking about? What are they showing excitement about to others? 

Introduce them to a wide variety of activities – Try art, sports, music, or science to see what sparks their interest. Also introduce them to a variety of places.

exploring interests in an art gallery

Encourage their curiosity. Allow them to explore and see what they gravitate towards. Allow them to try different things without pressure to commit.

Ask them directly. Here are some questions you can ask but try to keep it open ended.

– If you could learn about anything right now, what would it be? And why?

– What is something that you are passionate about that you would like to explore more?

– What is something you wonder about and want to find answers to?

Be willing to allow them to explore these options. When we ask and then shut it down because we have a curriculum to follow and need to get it done, then we lose them opening up to their interests. Show interest in what they are interested in (even if it bores you). 

mother and son sitting and talking

Set aside time to talk to your children about their interests, at a time when you are not distracted and can’t focus on what they are saying. This will speak volumes to them, and will enrich your homeschooling life. Or if you are not homeschooling – this will enrich their learning opportunities and their personal growth outside of school. 

Why not check out some other posts that might help with your child’s interests?
Is art education important?
Crafts with pinecones

Why are you homeschooling? It’s vital you know.
Blossom and Root – A Great Nature Based Curriculum

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