
Parenting Tweens in the 21st Century. What’s the Best Approach?


Parenting tweens in the 21st century. It really seems a whole different ball game compared to the pre-internet age, doesn’t it? I know my girls love to hear stories about “the olden days” when I only had 4 tv channels to choose from, and had no Google to ask questions. How did I live? How did I manage?

Now, as I am starting to raise tweens, it makes me wonder if I have the tool kit to do so. I sometimes feel out of my depth, especially being an older mother (which my girls also like to point out). My girls are Alphas. They are the first generation to grow up in a fully digital world, with access to technology from a young age.


Navigating the digital landscape.

One of the biggest challenges of parenting tweens today is navigating the digital landscape. With the constant barrage of screens, it can be tough to set boundaries and ensure healthy technology habits. But it’s essential. We need to establish rules for screen time, content restrictions, and online safety and clearly communicate the consequences of breaking rules.

Talk to your kids about online safety, cyberbullying, and responsible internet use.

child using ipad laying in grass

The importance of open communication and mutual respect.

Another key to parenting tweens in the 21st century is open communication and mutual respect. Encourage your kids to express their thoughts and feelings honestly, and listen to them attentively. Show them that you value their opinions and perspectives. Show genuine interest in your child’s thoughts and feelings. Create a safe space for your child to share their experiences and concerns. Model open communication by being honest and transparent with your child.

parenting tweens in 21st century means open communciation

The challenges of balancing independence and control.

As tweens become more independent, it can be challenging to find the right balance between giving them freedom and setting boundaries. It’s important to establish clear expectations and consequences, but also to allow them to make mistakes and learn from them. Assign age-appropriate tasks to foster independence but allow your child to make decisions within reasonable limits. Also, encourage your child to pursue their passions and hobbies. 

Help them find out what they are interested in. Check out this post about it.

pursing passions for our tweens is important

Being the parent.

Sometimes, in the midst of big emotions and prefrontal cortex development, it can be hard to remember that you are the parent! Of course we want them to learn to be functioning adults, but there are times that your age and authority are key. You need to demonstrate the behaviors you want your child to emulate and model healthy coping mechanisms for dealing with stress and big emotions. Be patient and understanding because your tweens are still developing…..and will make mistakes. 

We also need to stay up-to-date with technology trends and emerging issues. 

composite of tweens

Thankfully there are great resources for us that will help us and ultimately our families. Check out online, in books, and social networks.

Parenting tweens in the 21st century can be tough, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. Just be ready for the eye rolls and the pronouncement of being cringe (or whatever the popular word is of the day). We CAN help our kids navigate this complex world with confidence and resilience, and we can do it without losing ourselves and our minds. 

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