Tag / curriculum review

Memoria Press – Great Classical Education

Memoria Press is a publisher, so they have a range of resources -  curriculum sets, lesson plans, literature guides, videos, instructionals - that cover grades Pre-K to 12th.  It is a classical, Christian homeschool curriculum that emphasizes traditional education, literature, the Great Books and high academic standards.CONTINUE READING

Bookshark the Pros & Cons. A great literature-based curriculum

With Bookshark your children will learn through great literature and stories. These packages are a strong faith-neutral curriculum choice.CONTINUE READING

Gather ‘Round Curriculum Review. The Pros and Cons.

Gather 'Round is a family style, unit study homeschool curriculum that provides a unique learning experience for the whole family. CONTINUE READING

Look At Winter Promise, Pros & Cons Of The Curriculum

Winter Promise is a Charlotte Mason inspired curriculum that pulls together a variety of resources to allow you to tailor the program to meet the needs of your family members’ individual learning styles. WinterPromise can be a viable option for homeschool families looking for a literature based, unit study approach.CONTINUE READING
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