Tag / Learning Styles

Top 3 Curriculum for Auditory Learners

When it comes to choosing curriculum, it is best to find one that works with your child's learning style. It will make the experience a much better one for everyone involved.CONTINUE READING

Top 3 Curriculum for Visual Learners

When it comes to choosing curriculum, it is best to find one that works with your child's learning style. It will make the experience a much better one for everyone involved. CONTINUE READING

Homeschooling Pros and Cons

There are many reasons as to why families choose to homeschool. You cannot lump everyone into the same category or same reason grouping. I believe that every parent wants what is best for their children when it comes to education. For some that means public school, for others it is private school. Then there is hybrid schooling or even homeschooling. Prior to 2020 and to the new school year starting in America, the popularity of homeschooling has been on the increase. Many families have been weighing up the options and trying to decide if homeschooling is right for them. CONTINUE READING

Helping Auditory Learners Succeed

Whether we are kinesthetic, auditory or visual learners, we all need to know how we best learn. There are different strategies and tips that help with this. We don’t need to flounder and struggle. When we can use specific strategies for our learning style then school and learning can be easier.CONTINUE READING

Helping Visual Learners – Best Way For Them To Learn

VISUAL: THE 2nd OF THE LEARNING STYLES This is the second of three posts about helping our children succeed in learning according to their dominant learning style. The last one was on the kinesthetic style. Check out the post here. Our visual students are the ones who remember what they see (more than they do...CONTINUE READING

Helping Our Kinesthetic, Hands-On, Learners Succeed

This the first in a three part series about helping children succeed in the learning style they are dominant in. This will cover some strategies you can use with your child whether or not you homeschool.CONTINUE READING
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