Tag / learning

STEM Education: our STEM Academy

It can be confusing to know what STEM is with education. By itself the acronym stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. But STEM education is a little more than just that. Let’s have our own little Stem Academy and work out what it is.CONTINUE READING

Educational Philosophy: CHARLOTTE MASON

Charlotte Mason hoped education would open the doors of equality and opportunity for all students, regardless of what social class they belong to. She believed that all children deserve dignity and respect, and this can be given within education too.CONTINUE READING

Helping Auditory Learners Succeed

Whether we are kinesthetic, auditory or visual learners, we all need to know how we best learn. There are different strategies and tips that help with this. We don’t need to flounder and struggle. When we can use specific strategies for our learning style then school and learning can be easier.CONTINUE READING
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