Tag / parenting blog

Reading Alive – engaging children in reading

I love to read out loud to children. It has always been a joy to me. There is something about making the words and the stories come alive. I fully believe in engaging children in reading through alive and active reading. IMPORTANCE OF READING SKILLS It is important for our children to be read to. Pediatricians...CONTINUE READING

Bedtime Stories – why we want to read them

There is something so soothing about a bedtime story with your child. Having bedtime stories as part of your bedtime routine can help your children calm down, relax and reduce stress levels. This will hopefully lead to better sleep. Bedtime stories are really quite important in a child's life.CONTINUE READING

Why Teaching Phonics is Important

I am not ashamed to say how much I love phonics and teaching phonics. I am a firm believer in teaching it to set our children up for success in reading. What is phonics? Simply put: phonics is a way of teaching children how to read and write. It helps children hear, identify and use different sounds that distinguish one word from another in the English language.CONTINUE READING

STAYCATION IDEAS: 10 MORE Ways to Make Summer Memorable

I want to continue with the summer series with some budget fun but all ways you can make summer memorable. Some of these ideas are things you can make. Some are things you can do. But all of them are good staycation ideas. Most of these are minimal in cost. CONTINUE READING
Category:DIY, Family, General, Hacks
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