Tag / parenting tips

Allowing Risk Taking – 5 Great Reasons to Allow Risk!

It can be hard to let children take risks. As parents we want to protect them, not see them get hurt. But we have to trust them and give them the opportunities to try, fail, get back up and try again if need be. CONTINUE READING

This is Why Teaching Compassion to Your Kids is Essential!

Teaching compassion to children from a young age is important - not only for their own emotional growth, but for the future. Compassion is something that can be taught and practiced. It will take time but it will be worth it.CONTINUE READING
Category:Family, Life Skills

Expectation: Being the Perfect Parent

Let your inner Elsa fly and start singing "Let it go!" Let go of perfection, and be you. Show your children how to accept yourself exactly as you are and offer them the gift of a lifetime. Your relationship will do so much better because of it. Relieve yourself of the expectation of being a perfect parent.CONTINUE READING
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