Tag / Reading

Reading Alive – engaging children in reading

I love to read out loud to children. It has always been a joy to me. There is something about making the words and the stories come alive. I fully believe in engaging children in reading through alive and active reading. IMPORTANCE OF READING SKILLS It is important for our children to be read to. Pediatricians...CONTINUE READING

Why Teaching Phonics is Important

I am not ashamed to say how much I love phonics and teaching phonics. I am a firm believer in teaching it to set our children up for success in reading. What is phonics? Simply put: phonics is a way of teaching children how to read and write. It helps children hear, identify and use different sounds that distinguish one word from another in the English language.CONTINUE READING

Some Of My Favorite Chapter Books

I love to read to my girls, and I love that they want me to read to them. I care about what I read to them. I want good quality books that will expand their vocabulary and ignite their imagination.CONTINUE READING

Helping Auditory Learners Succeed

Whether we are kinesthetic, auditory or visual learners, we all need to know how we best learn. There are different strategies and tips that help with this. We don’t need to flounder and struggle. When we can use specific strategies for our learning style then school and learning can be easier.CONTINUE READING

The Benefits & Challenges Of Raising Bilingual Children – Best Advice

More and more we are hearing of bilingual children - kids who speak 2 languages. This is largely due to immigration and parents of different cultures getting married or living together. For some families, it means the children can understand both languages but only speak one. For others, it means that the children both understand and speak 2 languages. If you are thinking of raising bilingual children, you need to know which definition you will follow…..and does it include reading and writing?CONTINUE READING

The Importants for Children to Love Reading to succeed

THE IMPORTANCE OF READING Why is reading important? Do we really need to be able to read? I say yes. An undeniable, emphatic yes. The importance of Reading can’t be understated. We need it in so many day to day things, like reading ingredients, medicine bottles, street signs, etc. I don’t believe that you HAVE...CONTINUE READING
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