March 7, 2024 Top 3 Curriculum for Auditory Learners by Michayla Best When it comes to choosing curriculum, it is best to find one that works with your child's learning style. It will make the experience a much better one for everyone involved.CONTINUE READING Share: Category:Curriculum Review, Education, Homeschool, Learning Styles Tag:Active parenting, auditory curriculum, auditory learner, Blogs about parenting, Blogs on parenting, homeschoo curriculum, khan academy, Learning Styles, Parent information, Parent resources, Parenting blogs, Parenting forum, rounded schoolhouse, time4learning
June 2, 2023 Rounded Schoolhouse: The Good and Bad Of The Curriculum by Michayla Best This is a review of Rounded Schoolhouse, an online curriculum that has one unique subject. CONTINUE READING Share: Category:Curriculum Review, Education, Homeschool Tag:Active parenting, Blogs about parenting, Blogs on parenting, homeschool curriculum, homeschool curriculum review, homeschool video curriculum, Parent information, Parent resources, Parenting blogs, Parenting forum, rounded schoolhouse, rounded schoolhouse reviews, video homeschool curriculum