Tag / teaching feelings

Parenting Resource: Feelings and Emotions.

We need to teach our children that it is totally ok to have feelings and emotions. Everyone has them – both good and bad. It is how we react with them towards ourselves and towards others that is important.CONTINUE READING

Changing Your Parenting Tool Kit

I am often a fly by the seat of my pants parent when it comes to dealing with outbursts of emotion. Some of my best ideas seem to come when my children are melting down and just can’t control themselves. My parenting tool kit is forever changing. I am doing what works for us as a family and if I am seeing behaviors change and our family being more settled then I will continue to come up with random acts of parenting that might seem silly - but they totally work!CONTINUE READING

Teaching Children How To Deal With Feelings

It can be taken for granted that feelings just come naturally. I like to think of teaching feelings more like coaching our kids. The problem is we have small people, our children, who go about emoting in often huge and explosive ways. Feelings are hard!CONTINUE READING
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