Tag / unschoolers

How to Unschool Language Arts

When we stop breaking down language arts into “subjects” and lean more into organic learning, then it is easy to unschool language arts to your comfort level. CONTINUE READING

More Quick and Easy Unschooling Lessons

Here are 4 more quick and easy lessons you can use when homeschooling/unschooling. These activities are fun and the books are delightful. CONTINUE READING

Unschool: How to unschool science

There are so many ways we can learn science naturally and therefore unschool science. It is enjoyable to unschool science, and here are some easy ways.CONTINUE READING

Homeschooling, Unschooling and Worldschooling – What’s the Difference?

There are many different options to schooling and many different philosophies of education. When you know what is right for you it is freeing. Many people know about homeschooling, but do they know about unschooling and worldschooling? Is there a difference? Yes. Let's look at the difference. CONTINUE READING

Unschool: How To Unschool Math

There are so many ways we can use math naturally and therefore unschool math. Math ultimately is a skill and we need to practice skills in order to improve. You are able to unschool math, and here are some easy ways.CONTINUE READING

4 Quick Lessons (Good for Unschoolers)

This was a fun exercise. I had my girls give me 4 different books and I challenged myself to come up with 4 easy lessons within 5 minutes. Today I am sharing these ideas with you.CONTINUE READING
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