
Kinesthetic Learner Tools – Best Way For Them To Learn

Why should we want to know some great tools for our kinesthetic learner? Because they need them in order to learn. They really are easy to implement and you can use them whether or not you homeschool.

I love watching children learn in the way that works best for them. I covered the learning styles in earlier videos – see the kinesthetic one here. But what does it mean for your child if they are a kinesthetic learner? How can you help them succeed? Let’s look at tools for a kinesthetic learner.

The main point is that kinesthetic learners learn best when they can move around and touch things. They are not being difficult when they cannot sit still in class, they are just being them. Let’s quickly cover some characteristics of a kinesthetic learner. 

  • Move about, tap pencils, jiggle legs, etc. while doing schoolwork
  • Do not like to spend a lot of time reading
  • Need to take frequent breaks while studying
  • Have difficulty sitting for long periods of time
  • Enjoy doing physical activities
  • Can be considered hyperactive
  • Like to manipulate objects while working through problems
  • Often excel in sport, drama, and dance

Here is a vlog and blog post I did on helping kinesthetic learners succeed.

child on computer - kinesthetic learner tool for a child who needs hands on learning


With the internet we have many great resources and tools available for our kinesthetic or tactile learner. Of course, we don’t want to just use computers, and there are many great hands-on kits that you can purchase, or even get through subscription.

Here is a list and some links for different resources and tools that I find helpful for a kinesthetic learner:

Cooking classes – Like Charli’s Crafty Kitchen

Art classes – like Art for Kids Hub

Science Labs

PHET Interactive Simulations (University of Colorado Boulder)


Quizlet and Quia

IXL Learning

Education Galaxy


Arcademics (arcade games and academics – who doesn’t love the idea of that!?)

Tools for Visual Learners: learner centered tools
Living with Literal Thinkers


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