Category / Life Skills

Teaching Tolerance to Kids – getting their hearts right

Teaching tolerance doesn't mean we have to sacrifice our beliefs. However, we can teach our kids to appreciate differences in others.CONTINUE READING

Express Yourself! Best ways for kids to express opinions

Children need to know how to express their own opinions in healthy ways. Let's look at how they can do it and why.CONTINUE READING
Category:Family, Life Skills

Why it’s Crucial to Teach Critical Thinking to Young Children!

Critical thinking is an important skill so why do we wait until our children are older to start teaching it? It really is beneficial to start young.CONTINUE READING

This is Why Teaching Compassion to Your Kids is Essential!

Teaching compassion to children from a young age is important - not only for their own emotional growth, but for the future. Compassion is something that can be taught and practiced. It will take time but it will be worth it.CONTINUE READING
Category:Family, Life Skills

Setting Good Boundaries: The Key to Thriving Kids

Boundaries are something that all children need. It helps them to thrive. For parents, having these healthy boundaries with their kids can help relieve anxiety, stress and worry.CONTINUE READING

Igniting Imagination: Abstract Thinking in Kids

How we think is important. There are many different ways that our brains will work as it processes information. One way is abstract thinking.CONTINUE READING

Which is the right style? Cursive or typing?

When it comes to writing, do we need to be teaching cursive? Especially in light of computers and new technology? Let's explore this...CONTINUE READING

4Cs: More activities for problem solving

Skills based learning is so much fun. It is a blessing to see how children respond to it and the skills they develop through it....like their problem solving skills. CONTINUE READING
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