Category / Reading and Writing

My Child Isn’t Reading Yet! When Should I Worry?

As parents we can worry about whether or not our child is reading. But maybe it is too soon. They might not be interested enough yet. And that is ok. Let's look at how we can help our children with reading.CONTINUE READING

Homeschooling Dyslexia: Transforming Their Education

Homeschooling a child with dyslexia requires patience and flexibility. Every child is unique, but allowing them to learn in the way they learn best, with the support they need will set them up for success. CONTINUE READING

Which is the right style? Cursive or typing?

When it comes to writing, do we need to be teaching cursive? Especially in light of computers and new technology? Let's explore this...CONTINUE READING

Are banned books bad books?

In recent years we are seeing more and more books being challenged and banned. Does this make them bad books? Should we stop reading them? If we want to read them, how can we help our children understand the content?CONTINUE READING

What are living books and why use them?

Living books are a wonderful way to engage reading in homeschool or as an enrichment outside of school. But what are they and why would you want to use them?CONTINUE READING

Approaches in Reading: Whole Language vs Phonics

When it comes to reading, what is the best way to learn? Is there a right way? There are 2 main approaches to reading, but is either one, on their own, the right way?CONTINUE READING

How to Unschool Language Arts

When we stop breaking down language arts into “subjects” and lean more into organic learning, then it is easy to unschool language arts to your comfort level. CONTINUE READING

More Quick and Easy Unschooling Lessons

Here are 4 more quick and easy lessons you can use when homeschooling/unschooling. These activities are fun and the books are delightful. CONTINUE READING
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