
Why Teaching Phonics is Important

I am not ashamed to say how much I love phonics and teaching phonics. I am a firm believer in teaching it to set our children up for success in reading. What is phonics? Simply put: phonics is a way of teaching children how to read and write. It helps children hear, identify and use different sounds that distinguish one word from another in the English language.CONTINUE READING

Norms and Values: Giving Hugs

Giving hugs: I don’t know about you, but even though I am a physical touch person and love hugs, I don’t love being forced or expected to give hugs to others, even if they are family members. So why is there an expectation that children should have to give hugs and kisses, etc? Why can’t...CONTINUE READING

Expectation: Being the Perfect Parent

Let your inner Elsa fly and start singing "Let it go!" Let go of perfection, and be you. Show your children how to accept yourself exactly as you are and offer them the gift of a lifetime. Your relationship will do so much better because of it. Relieve yourself of the expectation of being a perfect parent.CONTINUE READING

School Works: Setting up for success

Here is my list of things I like to tell parents when it comes to starting off the school year right. I will always preface it with my usual statement of “Do what works for you” but these are some good underlying practices to help make your school year successful right from the start. CONTINUE READING

Homeschooling Pros and Cons

There are many reasons as to why families choose to homeschool. You cannot lump everyone into the same category or same reason grouping. I believe that every parent wants what is best for their children when it comes to education. For some that means public school, for others it is private school. Then there is hybrid schooling or even homeschooling. Prior to 2020 and to the new school year starting in America, the popularity of homeschooling has been on the increase. Many families have been weighing up the options and trying to decide if homeschooling is right for them. CONTINUE READING

STAYCATION IDEAS: 10 MORE Ways to Make Summer Memorable

I want to continue with the summer series with some budget fun but all ways you can make summer memorable. Some of these ideas are things you can make. Some are things you can do. But all of them are good staycation ideas. Most of these are minimal in cost. CONTINUE READING
Category:DIY, Family, General, Hacks

Staycation Ideas: 10 Ways to Make Summer Memorable

This year has certainly hit us all in so many different ways thanks to Covid-19. Summer break arrived and with that, many families were finding they couldn't go away as planned, or simply the money was not there. That's ok. Totally ok. Staycations are fun too. And here are some staycation ideas, some ways to make Summer memorable. CONTINUE READING
Category:DIY, Family, General, Hacks

Fluffy Sidewalk Chalk Paint – creative, messy, outdoor fun

Being outside in Summer is such a fun thing. There is nothing like Vitamin D therapy. We love outside activities and making a mess!! We tried a few recipes for fluffy sidewalk chalk and sidewalk paint. Fun was had trying, tweaking, trying again, playing. Finally we settled on the recipe we loved the most for fluffy sidewalk chalk paint. CONTINUE READING
Category:DIY, Family, General, Hacks
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