
Parent Portal / Blog On Parenting

Parents and children are constantly on my heart. I love to see children thriving, and I love to see parents feeling good about themselves and their parenting ability. I hope the vlogs/blogs bring clarity to issues, solutions to challenges and see parents succeeding in raising their kids.CONTINUE READING

How Important is Teaching Handwriting in Today’s Age

TEACH HANDWRITING It is the year 2019 and the debate on whether or not we should teach cursive handwriting is still going strong. It is a little controversial in the education realm because there are two strong sides to this. Do we need to be teaching it? Is it an important skill when teaching handwriting...CONTINUE READING

Benefits of Activity Based or Outside the Classroom Learning

ACTIVITY BASED LEARNING What exactly is activity based learning and is it something we should do? This is something that I hear parents wonder about. It’s a valid question. We get bombarded with so many pressures when it comes to our children’s education. To me, there are two kinds of activity based learning – what...CONTINUE READING

The Importants for Children to Love Reading to succeed

THE IMPORTANCE OF READING Why is reading important? Do we really need to be able to read? I say yes. An undeniable, emphatic yes. The importance of Reading can’t be understated. We need it in so many day to day things, like reading ingredients, medicine bottles, street signs, etc. I don’t believe that you HAVE...CONTINUE READING
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